Botox Medical Treatments for Migraines in Greater Vancouver

Are chronic migraines keeping you from enjoying life? Do you find yourself avoiding places and situations that produce those nagging migraines?

Around 20% of the population have experienced a migraine. It is said that migraines are more common in people with high-stress lifestyles or low mood, however, these two factors may not show true cause-and-effect. Studies conducted on patients suffering from chronic migraines who received botox injections every 3 months, showed an average of eight lesser days of a headaches each month than those receiving placebos. M•TOUCH doctors will complete a detailed medical exam and propose treatments tailored for you.

M•TOUCH Migraine treatment consists of precise injections into seven muscle groups around the neck and head which are the two areas associated with headaches. By reducing muscle action in these two nerve-sensitive areas near the brain, symptoms and severity of migraines can be significantly reduced. It is recommended to repeat treatments every few months depends on the individual condition. Some patients experience a longer lasting results. Book your first botox treatment today!


Book an Appointment

Botox Treatments at a Glance

Best Result

One Treatment

Duration of Results

3 months





Procedure Time

10-30 minutes

Back To Work

Right Away

Best Result

One Treatment

Duration of Results

3 months





Procedure Time

10-30 minutes

Back To Work

Right away

Benefits of Botox Treatments

  • Significant reduction in migraines experienced
  • The cost is often covered under Extended Health Medical Benefit program


How long does BOTOX Therapeutic take to work?

A reduction in migraines/ headaches is noticed within a few days of treatment, with full effects usually evident within 7-10 days.

Is BOTOX Therapeutic Safe?

Yes, BOTOX, has been used in medical applications for over thirty years, with millions of patients treated.

What should I expect during treatment?

BOTOX Therapeutic consists of a series of fine injections placed just below the skin and treatment times range from 10-30 minutes depending upon the size of the area being treated.